Fikri & Co
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Chartered Accountants
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Our Services

Audit & Assurance


Business Services & Outsourcing


Our firm is a registered audit firm auhorised by the TRNC Ministry of Finance which entitles us to carry out audit of all companies & individuals registered with the Tax Office, including public companies. Our firm is also a “Registered Audit Firm” authorized by TRNC Central Bank to carry out audit of banks. To this end the audit and assurance services provided by our firm is as follows.

Our highly experienced tax specialists can provide tax advice for corporates and private individuals on all types of taxes applicable in TRNC so you can make effective financial decisions and maximise benefits of tax planning. We can also assist clients in all compliance requirements of TRNC Tax legislation.

We can provide services tailored to your individual business needs, whatever the size of your business, making sure you meet the compliance requirements. Our experienced staff can deal with a range of services allowing you more time to spend on running your business.

Our expert advisory teams can support your business in today’s competitive business environment. Your business will benefit from broad range of advisory services we offer at every stage of its life cycle.